Marco Poco Loco
Song writer - Animator - Vocalist
In search for musicians - composers - vocalists - dancers - choreographers
The Concept of our Program
Marco Poco Loco
stands for
More Peace & Love
We support activities that are related to peace, we talk about it, we write about it and we care about World Peace. Do you also support our Concept ?

Texts of our songs are related to Peace, Love, Relations and common circumstan-ces we all deal with.

Love Is All Around and discrimination should not exist. No matter what your background is on religion, sexual orientation, history, education, age, hair color or whatever.

No matter your skin color. All colors are accepted in our human-friendly MP&L community.
Feel free to join !

My Life is Music and Music is My Life
Let's share our Passion and Love for those fantastic Songs that bring Joy and Happi-ness to all of us !